3 Top Tips to keep the romance alive

3 top tips to keep the romance alive

The first six months of a relationship is known as the ‘honeymoon period’ and it is often characterised by a lack of disagreements and continuous excitement. After all, a couple is still learning new things about one another and this keeps the romance alive with very little pressure to impress because the whole thing is new and interesting. With this said, once people start to get comfortable, the romance that made a relationship special in the first place can start to fizzle out. Life gets in the way, things change, but that’s no excuse to ever stop dating.

Read on as we go over three top tips that will help keep the romance beyond Valentines day and ensure that couples keep that loved up feeling alive.


A relationship is a measure of give and take and this means that romance shouldn’t be the sole responsibility of one person. Something as simple as surprising your significant other with a small gift tells them that you were thinking about them throughout the day and is the perfect way to ensure that romance has a permanent role in a partnership. In fact, surprises can come in all shapes and sizes which means that are no limits on the type of activity that couples can organise for one another.

Talking Time

There is nothing more effective than communication in a relationship, whether it be platonic or romantic. In order for couples to keep the romance alive, it is important that they find time to talk to one another and ensure that their relationship is healthy. After all, the simple act of being able to talk to another person without restrictions is the back bone of any relationship, and these bonds are incredibly difficult to break.
Make time for each other without the distraction of phones, TV or work – use the time to make plans and talk about memories you’ve made. 

Date Nights

Once a couple starts to forget about spending time together in a purely romantic environment, the foundations of a relationship can be affected and that is why it is important to pencil in certain activities each week as dedicated ‘date nights’ to ensure that the romance is being nurtured. Luckily, there are dozens of different ways to make the most of one another’s company as couple such as organising a romantic meal, going to the cinema or planning a spontaneous trip to watch the sunset! After all, the sky is the limit when it comes to dating. 

From long-term partnerships to the unbreakable bond of marriage, romance is an essential part of any relationship. After all, it is important to show your significant other how much they mean to you and sometimes the smallest gesture really does go far. Here at A Year of Dates, we have a wide selection of themed boxes that are filled with dozens of surprise date night activities that are guaranteed to keep the romance alive all year-round. In fact, we believe that dating should never be a chore and that is why our personalised black boxes make the perfect gift.