5th Jan – Week 2

5th Jan - Week 2

More fear in the eyes of John this morning as the second envelope was chosen.

Over the last week I’ve been trying to decide if I need a strategy – do I start at one end and work through, or go random each time?! The need for a strategy comes from the admission that John thought of better dates once some were already in, and couldn’t take them out as he didn’t know which was which! Are they at one end? Has he shuffled them? Only time will tell I guess!

This week our date is a picnic, perfect timing in January… having already thought this through the card even accounts for this! (Even the photo is dark and depressing to match the January weather!)

Typically our previous picnics have been while we’ve been on holiday and consisted of French bread, cheese and ham, eaten on the beach… So lets relive our holidays in the middle of winter 🙂

Screen Shot 2015-01-08 at 21.42.43
Holiday picnic…
In sunnier circumstances...
In sunnier circumstances…