So Friday arrived with snow, freezing fog and other such January loveliness… Perfect for movie night!!! There was a slight delay in proceedings as the new album from our faves Above & Beyond landed in John’s inbox, so it HAD to be listened to before anything else could happen! It was worth it, plenty of […]
So, this week I picked my card as normal on Monday morning – from our newly kitted out bedroom!! (As the bed was delivered on Sunday at 7pm we were a bit tired and therefore this seems worthy of a mention!) This week I picked a card that looked familiar, it was one of mine! […]
So, date day arrived, on the back of 2015’s first storm, luckily when we set off the worst had passed and although still pretty windy the sun was out… Which was good as I had requested a sea view!! Its becoming apparent that I’m to decide on all aspects not the date once picked, I […]
Today John got some good news, so a celebratory dinner was called for. Two dates in a week 🙂 Being ever practical and sensible (!) we first Sainsbury’s for picnic supplies for our date the next day. This turned out to be be a talking point as after examining the packets of ham we felt […]
More fear in the eyes of John this morning as the second envelope was chosen. Over the last week I’ve been trying to decide if I need a strategy – do I start at one end and work through, or go random each time?! The need for a strategy comes from the admission that John […]
There was a lot of pressure on this week, with it being the first envelope we both wanted to impress… So to the gifts, I had a bit of nightmare with one of the two items not being delivered! So on Friday lunchtime I made a plan and headed into town. My plan soon changed […]
29th Dec 2014 The excitement was almost too much this morning, and I was actually up and out of bed without any threats and just a little with a bit of trepidation and another warning of expectations from John! First choice is more of a challenge than a date, and the timing possibly isn’t the […]