Wondering if you can experience A Year of Dates by yourself? Read this mum’s inspiring story and find out how she’s been solo dating. When Beci Denham bought the A Year of Dates classic box for her partner’s Valentine’s Day present in 2021 she thought they would be completing the dates together. But when the […]
Do you manage to keep romance (and friendships) going all year round? Or does it all feel a little impossible with so much to juggle? As partners, business owners and parents, we 100% get it. Life can feel so busy and demanding, making real, uninterrupted time for loved ones can easily begin to feel like […]
We ALL know someone who is seemingly impossible to buy for, so much so you end up at risk of either buying them the same generic gifts you buy each year; getting them a gift card (which you’ll more than likely spend more on in fear of looking like a cheapskate) or- worse still- not […]
We get it… as partners in life, parenthood and business, making time for each other can so easily become non existent. In fact we’re still making our way through the very first set of date cards John gave to me- the cards which brought our whole business to life- back in 2016! (Ah the joys […]
‘It’s been a brilliant adventure, we can’t wait to see what comes next.” You know we love seeing you on dates, we also love finding out about how the dating adventure came about. So we were delighted when Gemma and Matt agreed to share how their A Year of Dates box has helped their new […]
All our gifts are designed to inspire, to provide ideas and to encourage the couple/individual/family to make memories. We can’t, and won’t, tell you what to do. We want you to use the suggestions on our cards to come up with ideas and ways to have fun. If it’s not fun for you we don’t […]
The return to ‘normal’ is bound to have an effect on us all, whether we can’t wait to get out and meet friends, or if we’re a bit more nervous we need to remember that everyone reacts differently. This Mental Health Awareness week is a timely reminder to be kind, and to take things at […]
We’re proud to support local, and national charities, and as we all know the last 12 months have proved difficult for those fundraising and those receiving support from charities. When we developed our New Parent date box back in 2018 we knew this was one way we could give back. When you become a parent […]
We’ve been inside so long now that the great outdoors is going to feel soooo great when we get it back! I think a lot of us have a new found respect for our local area and hopefully long walks, exploring new places and enjoying the countryside are going to be higher up our agenda […]
Ok, it’s only small steps but still, it’s a step in the right direction! Last summer we took a leap and said I do… To another business! And we’ve not really shouted about it since, mainly due to being so busy but also we’ve been getting our heads around the products and, well lets be […]