Kate – A Year of Dates

Kate - A Year of Dates

I’m Kate, I set up A Year of Dates in 2016 after receiving a date jar from my husband, John, a few years ago. Everyone thought it was a great idea but didn’t have the ideas/time to set it up… I started the business while I was on maternity leave with my daughter Phoebe. It’s going from strength to strength and  it seemed only right to celebrate al things dating with this little feature. And if I expect anyone else to get involved, I have to do it myself!!

Kate - A Year of Dates

Tell us about your first date?
John and I met online, we stalked each other on Facebook for a few months before meeting up. On our first ‘official date’ he told me to bring a jumper… We were headed to the motorway when I text friends in a slight panic that I was in a car with a relative stranger with no known location! All was well and he took me to Blackpool illuminations where he put the roof down on his convertible! I needed the jumper…

When was your last date?
We’re the worst for practising what we preach… We went for brunch in Manchester a couple of weeks ago following our first night away from Phoebe! We’d stayed in a hotel and enjoyed a lazy morning drinking hot coffee in bed. The best dates don’t have to be big expensive nights out!

What about the best date?
4 years ago I won tickets to go backstage at SW4 festival in London with a hotel thrown in! We met, and hung out with, our favourite dance music group Above & Beyond and watched their set from the side of stage. Once in a lifetime stuff!

And, the worst date you’ve ever been on?
There’s been many thanks to my online dating experiences… I feel like I’ve blocked most of them out! About 8 years ago I dated a guy for a short time, he was going to Scotland on business, he said he’d call me when he landed – I didn’t realise the flight was so long…

Finally, what is your dream date?
I think it’d have to be in Ibiza – a night in a beautiful hotel, watching the sunset with a cocktail… With John of course, unless Calvin Harris was available!