Looking after yourself – an FREE A-Z download for self care

Looking after yourself - an FREE A-Z download for self care

How are you?
It’s so easy to put everyone else first in this strange situation we’re living in. And as the new reality is becoming ‘normal’ and we find new routines it is easy to forget to look out for one important person – you.

Whether you have a front line role (thank you so much) or you are keeping safe at home, the mental strain of this new situation – of being away from loved ones and any kind of normality – can take a toll.

It’s important to realise we all have bad days and good days, and for the not so great days we’ve written a new list – another A-Z (if it’s not broken…) this time it’s all about mental wellbeing.

So put the kettle on, sit down and take 5 minutes to download and read our latest A-Z to help you with some simple ideas for looking after you.
Whether you can grab ten minutes when you get up or an hour when the house has quietened down then hopefully there is something on the list that can help you find some peace.

Looking after yourself - an FREE A-Z download for self care

Some of the ideas are taken from our Just For You self care box, and to make sure the choices beside each letter made sense (!) we’ve also had help from qualified professionals.

If you would like any further information on how changing your habits and behaviours can have a positive impact on your wellbeing please visit Abbey Robb Therapies. Abbey is an integrative therapist who uses a range of techniques in her work, and we are so grateful for her input into this list.

If you are interested in a free 5 day Gratitude taster then you can sign up to Marilyn’s programme here. Marilyn has also been so kind as to give her time to help with this list.

We hope you find it useful. Stay safe x

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