Save the date: National Dating Day – 12th September

Save the date: National Dating Day - 12th September

It is our mission to inspire couples to start dating again in order to reignite the spark in their relationship, and we’re kick starting this on September 12th when we invite you to join us to celebrate National Dating Day.

Last year we conducted a YouGov survey* to find out what the UK think about dating and this told us that over half of couples in the UK haven’t been on a date in over a month, or can’t remember the last time the had one. Ahead of this years National Dating Day we conducted our own research with a survey of date box owners.

Overall the response from our customers demonstrated that this unique product has had a transformative effect on their relationships. Only 8% of respondents said the date box hasn’t improved their relationship, while a very positive 68% of respondents confirmed that their Year of Dates box has improved their relationship.

A Year of Dates continues to captivate its users, with 51% of respondents using their date box more than once a month – a lovely contrast to last years stats! It’s evident that our product goes beyond aesthetics, as only 8% of participants admitted to using it solely as a decorative item (the same percentage that said it hadn’t improved their relationship – surely not a coincidence!).

Making that time for each other is how relationships grow and strengthen, they’re how you first got to know each other – the fun part before bills and families became part of the equation. Yes, life gets busy and that initial excitement to see your partner can be lost when you move in together, and other things naturally take priority. But dating is what brought you together and it is what keeps that sparkle alive.

Our survey showed that most couples favourite thing about the date cards was its ability to bring fresh ideas into the relationship, sparking creativity and reigniting romance. But, to let you into a secret, the weekly, fun suggestions provided by A Year of Dates are not necessarily new or unique. The most interesting fact to us was the second most popular response was that the cards remove the need for either partner to make a decision on what the date should be; allowing couples to focus on each other without the burden of planning. When time is scarce amongst all of the work, family and life commitments this is a huge positive for couples looking to make the most of their time together.

So this National Dating Day we want to spread the word about how important it is to continue to date each other when you have decided that your other half is the one. Keep having fun, keep making time and make dating part of your everyday life. A date box isn’t essential to make this happen, but as our customers regularly testify it makes it a whole lot easier!


*All figures, unless otherwise stated, are from YouGov Plc. Total sample size was 2029 adults. Fieldwork was undertaken between 24th – 25th May 2022. The survey was carried out online. The figures have been weighted and are representative of all GB adults (aged 18+).

Save the date: National Dating Day - 12th September
Save the date: National Dating Day - 12th September