Celebrating all the wonderful women in our lives

Celebrating all the wonderful women in our lives

This year International Women’s Day and Mother’s Day fall in the same week, the perfect excuse to celebrate and spoil the important women around you. Whether they are Mum’s, Grandma’s, family members, friends, mentors or colleagues these two days of celebration are time to show them that their influence on your is noticed, and appreciated.

Traditionally, Mother’s Day is the day where mum puts her feet up while her family show her how appreciated she is, this normally includes gifts and a meal for her – maybe even a lie in.

International Women’s Day is a more recent awareness day where, typically, strong women who have made a difference in their community, family and career are thrust into the spotlight. While they showcase different strengths the two days can be celebrated as one – any female figure needs that reminder to look after themselves, and not just on one day ‘me time’, self care and looking after herself needs to be a priority all year.

Whoever you are showering in love this year, flowers, chocolates and smelly candles make a lovely gesture – but how about thinking outside the box and giving her something far more meaningful? In our busy, fast paced world, it can be difficult to spend quality time with those you love amongst all of our commitments to work, family and life.

So this Mother’s Day, why not give her the greatest gift of all – the gift of time, memories and self care.

At a Year of Dates, we have boxes to help you come up with the ideas – taking the stress out of deciding what to do, and keep the thought going all year. Read on to find out some more of the ideas in our Time With Mum, and Dates with Your Best Mates box that could help you plan a special day together to kick start a year of self care.

A walk in nature
Spring is just around the corner, why not pull on your walking boots and take your mum for a stroll? This can be anything from a walk around the block, to a hike in the hills for the more adventurous amongst you.
Not only is a good walk great for you both health-wise – it’s also fantastic for your mental health. Walking allows the opportunity to create a real connection with a person, as you can give one another your undivided attention, free from life’s distractions. After all, you can’t walk and scroll through your phone at the same time!

Some headspace
In many homes, Mum rules the roost and is often – albeit not always – the main carer of younger children. If you stop to think about it, the amount of choices and decisions that a Mum has to make in the day must be well in to the hundreds – the mental load is something that all women bear, from organising the right uniform, schedules to the main bugbear of many women – what to have for tea!

This Mother’s Day, why not give your mum the gift of a decision free day? Take the weight off completely and allow some valuable headspace without the need to make any key decisions.
Older children and teens can plan a menu and think of ideas for a day out – as well as arranging it and even littles ones can get involved, picking out clothes for mum to wear – which is sure to lead to some smiles!

Help tackle a task
Mother’s Day is all about Mum having a rest, right? Well – this is true to some extent – however, many of the mums on the A Year of Dates team agree that sometimes, ticking something off the ever-growing to do list can be just as beneficial. Whether she is a mum or not chat to her about a job that needs doing – it could be anything from organising a cupboard to planting put the garden – and work on it together. Some bonding time, a job completed – and make sure you have time for a well deserved treat afterwards too!

Celebrating all the wonderful women in our lives

Learn a new skill
Some women will love being pampered on Mother’s Day and really enjoy a day “off”. However, some are more of the practical type and love nothing more than trying something new. There are so many different things to choose from – a baking class, a painting workshop or even dancing lessons. Whatever works for you both, be sure to embrace it and enjoy learning together – and most likely with plenty of laughs along the way!

Have a foodie feast
It’s traditional that mum doesn’t cook on Mother’s Day – most people either cook for her, or take her out for a meal.
If you fancy something a little different, why not take your Mum on a culinary adventure – to ALL of her favourite eateries? We call it a safari dinner on the date cards, and it’s a popular idea – choose her favourite restaurant for a starter, walk to a cosy pub for the main course and then take her to her go-to coffee shop for dessert, and why not finish off with cocktails!

Looking for more ideas?
Check out our personalised gifts that are designed to encourage women to make self care, friendship and memories part of their daily routine all year…

Celebrating all the wonderful women in our lives

Time With Mum Gift Box

Filled with 36 cards this personalised Mother’s Day gift is filled with ideas to encourage shared experiences, self care and fun.

Each box contains 12 pre-written cards, twelve blank cards with envelopes to complete and add to the box, and a dozen self care ideas. When sealed simply choose one at random from the different sets and make time for the activity suggested.

A Year of Dates With My Best Mate

We all have the best intentions in mind when it comes to friendships, but life gets in the way! When it comes to your BFF meeting up is like no time has passed, and you always leave says ‘we must do this more often’… This gift is designed to help make that possible!

12 sealed activity cards to encourage you to carve out that time together on a monthly – or as frequently as you can – basis.

Celebrating all the wonderful women in our lives
Celebrating all the wonderful women in our lives

Self Care Collection

A whole year of self care prompts and activities, personalised to suit you!

Self care is a personal thing and we all relax in different ways, so as well as monthly suggestions from us there are twelve blank cards to be filled in by Mum to which are things she wants to do – a bubble bath, a gym class, 5 minutes alone, they can be repeated each month if it helps. For the harder days there are also prompts with simple ideas, a song to listen to and an inspiring quote.