From archery to ‘I do’

From archery to ‘I do’

Meet Luke & Kelly and find out how a date box led them to their biggest adventure yet

When Luke tagged us in his Instagram photos from St Lucia we needed to know more – yes, we admit it we’re nosey, and we can’t resist a good love story!

When Luke Davies bought his fiancee Kelly a A Year of Dates for Christmas, he was excited for the new adventures it would inspire. Like many couples Luke and Kelly have busy jobs, and although they enjoyed plenty of trips away, Luke knew they were sometimes guilty of spending one too many nights on the couch.

Luke said: “I saw the A Year of Dates box advertised on Instagram and I thought it was a great idea for a Christmas present for Kelly.

“Although we do go on lots of breaks and we love spending time together, we’d often have dates in the diary but when it came to actually going one of us would be too tired or not fancy it.

“I thought that committing to a date a week would give us that extra push to get out and have some new adventures.”

At first the couple stayed close to their home in the West Midlands. A date at Birmingham’s Glee comedy club was a highlight while an archery session ticked off the ‘try something new’ card.

“We’d never have thought to try either of those things before opening the envelopes to the dates,” said Luke. “It was just what we needed, something new and a bit different, and something that we could have a laugh with.”

The pair were engaged and, not wanting a big wedding, they made the decision to instead jet out to St Lucia alone and get married on the island. So in May 2022 they made sure their A Year of Dates box was packed, alongside Kelly’s wedding dress and Luke’s suit, and got on the plane.

After an intimate ceremony at the hotel on the third day of their trip, the newlyweds still had a week left to enjoy their holiday – and some dates. First up was watching the sunrise. Luke recalled: “We set the alarm for 4am and when I first had to get up I was dead on my feet.

“But there was nobody else on the beach and watching the sunrise in the Caribbean the morning after getting married, that was pretty special.”

And just before coming home, they also completed the cocktail night date card. Luke said: “Enjoying our drinks as Mr and Mrs Davies on a tropical island was a brilliant feeling.”

‘This has been the best gift I’ve ever bought for Kelly, and she says it’s the best one she’s ever received’

And the couple have continued their dates since returning from their wedding. Their live music date was achieved by watching The Killers in Dublin, and they even finally completed a 1000 piece jigsaw.

Luke said: “If there are any blokes who are stuck for ideas on what to buy their other half, then I’d thoroughly recommend the dating box. The dates are totally what you make of them, so you can spend as much or as little as you like.

“We’ve made so many happy memories and there are plenty more to come.”